It represents a ready-to-go solution aimed at the professional development of enterprise software. Through clear specifications in the structure and the use of generators, long-term maintainable and scalable software solutions can be created. Due to its clear and strict structure of projects, new developers joining the team is eased.
Due to this massive basic framework, Angular often appears heavyweight at first glance but convinces through systematic optimizations and extensibility.
There are 2 different versions of »Angular« which usually causes confusion: »AngularJS« and »Angular«. While »AngularJS« is the very original JavaScript framework, »Angular« is the next version (and starting with version 2). The code base has been completely rewritten and uses TypeScript as language. However, the basic idea and core concepts of the two framework versions have remained identical, which allows migration or even hybrid use of the versions.
With »Angular«, the focus of the project has expanded from the development of a framework to the development of an entire platform for web applications.